Tag Archives: preschool

Letter N


Here’s a few printables to go along with the Letter N…. I hope you enjoy this  New, Nice, Neat, Nifty letter N fun!  🙂

Letter N

Letter N 3 Part Cards  

Letter N

Letter N Tracing Cards

check out other great preschool & toddler ideas here! : http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.net/tag/tot%20school/

Star Wars Printable Pack


My 3 year old was invited to a birthday party recently where the theme was Star Wars.  Since then he has been Darth Vader, C-3PO but of course always returns to the beloved Luke Skywalker.  I’d love to share this preschool pack with you and of coarse…May the Force Be With You! 🙂

Star Wars Printable Pack





February Calendar Cards


I’ve been on a bit of creating streak and wanted to make my own Calendar Cards.  I am working on every month but thought i’d share February!


We love Calendar time.  Not only do the kids love it, it really is a way to smooth myself into the school day.  We love our Calendar pocket chart.  This is ours:


photo 1 photo 2

Here’s a link to the cards:

February Calendar Cards

More to come!! 🙂

3 Part Card Printables


We had done lots of matching in school with classic memory games which is always loved by my kids.  Up until recently I never quite understood what “Montessori” was…I kind of felt silly, a bit stupid slow in understanding this style of learning.  I still have much to learn but one really neat thing we have loved and have so much fun with are 3 Part Cards.  You can learn more about the concept and thinking behind 3 Part Cards here:


I love anything that is learning but feels like a game…this is one of those things.  ImageImage

The idea is simple, two sets of pictures and names, match the name to the correct picture for older kids, for preschool and younger match the word with the same word.

I have searched and found up until recently lots of sets of cards to go with the current letter we are on. Check out Pinterest for tons of great free 3 Part Cards!  But I thought i’d give it a go and start making my own sets and I’d love to share them with you!  Who doesn’t love a freebie!?  I’ll be making more, it seems to be hard to find cute fun boy themed sets, so…more to come soon!





my favorite things


I am a serial organizer…I love getting new ideas for organizing pretty much anything but especially our school room!  I have gotten so many great ideas from some seriously genius ladies!  Here are some of my favorite things in our school room that have helped us stay organized and keep things fun…

Our school room.  We love it, its where our days play out, where we learn, make a mess, paint, learn more, rinse and repeat:)


I’ve had this clear dry erase board for years…its been in many different places in our home but we like it here…good reminder of the verse we’re working on each week.


we LOVE this thing!  We seriously use it every day.  Just a simple paper roll…thats all!  I actually bought this and then found out my mom had gotten one for me for Christmas…whoops! 🙂  You can get it here:



Another favorite thing we use everyday….Just a simple tray.  We use it for painting, crafts, projects, tv trays.  Im sure there are some much cuter, kid trays out there, these were $1.00 at the time (can’t beat that!) You can get them here:



Anyone that knows me well knows I LOVE containers!  Don’t ever go shopping with me for organizational items…its dangerous and an addiction I fully admit it!  Some of my favorite ones for the school room are these takeout containers and peanut butter containers. They’re a great size and clear.  The red bowls are used every day for everything they were a great dollar store find!


And of coarse our new favorite item in our school room and home is our bean bags!  We love them!!  There are so many neat bean bags and lots for a much higher price than we paid but we are loving these!  You can check them out here:



Printable Memory Verse Cards


“So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 20 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates, 21 so that as long as the sky remains above the earth, you and your children may flourish in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors.  -Deuteronomy 11:18-21

These verses have been words that ring in my ears very regularly as we go through our days at home.  I had a sweet friend who had scripture written all around her house, on windows, mirrors, on her fridge, on scrap papers…everywhere.  I LOVED that!  verse 20 says just that: write them on your doorposts!  Write God’s word down, have it everywhere, always to see.  It’s amazing what kids will remember and retain.  I have been amazed and slightly dumfounded at how much my 3 year old can remember!  We have done a verse a week and just say it over and over and wow! It not only has been great for our kids but for ME!  Our “D” verse has been repeated, reminded, corrected and talked about on way more than one occasion: (Do ALL things without complaining and grumbling. Philippians 2:14) (and that goes for the kids and for ME!)  I made up a little booklet/flashcards of our memory verses as a helpful way to remind ourselves of our verses…


I’d love to share this with you!  Feel free to print and use anyway you would like!  memory verse cards



Oh man, do you ever have one of those days when you wish time would just FREEZE?  The other night we were watching Where the Wild Things are…Ben had been reading the book to the kids, so they were excited to see the movie.  Almost immediately Boston went searching for a costume to wear while watching the movie.  Here’s ‘Max’:


With homeschooling I am with the kids ALL day, every day, 7 days a week.  That is A-LOT!  But that also means that they are with each other everyday, all day, 7 days a week.  Yup, there’s fighting, ohhhh yes we get tired of each other but I have got to say it is what I LOVE about having the privilege of teaching my kids.  They are each others best friend (all be it sometimes worst enemy as well).  Our goal is not to just have them share toys, not hit each other, not fight but to LOVE each other, to be friends not just siblings.  How sad I would be if after 18 years of living together they left our home and weren’t friends.  Our weeks are long, and tiring and spent together 100% of the time and I sure would love to freeze a lot of these moments….Here’s a small glimpse into why I love our long, tiring days and wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING!:

Dancing during a break…




My view all day, everyday 🙂

Bible lesson…(obviously Daddy was in charge because I never allow sitting on the TABLE!) 🙂